DON’T TOUCH ME Leave a Comment / Uncategorized / By haukfoundation According to wikipedia, the word Paedophile comes from the word ‘Paidos’-child and Philia-friendly love. The word is used to describe individuals who have a sexual perversion for children. It is often regarded as a psychological disorder even though most perpetrators hide under this mental illness when caught.Paedophiles have no visible characteristics to help differentiate them from normal individuals but one thing is clear- they exist. the fifth diagnostic statitical manual of mental disorders classsifies paedophiles i n two: 1. Herbephiles are those attracted to children below puberty2. Ephebophiles are attracted to children who have attained puberty. Lets cut the chase and get down to statistics. it has been observed that 90% of reported cases of abuse is perpetrated by a loved one, close relation or member of environment familiar to the child. In rare cases, the child is kidnapped from a distant environment but in many cases”WITHIN”. This leaves me with the question, how well do we know him?Growing up, I heard cases of young girls being lured into homes in the guise of “go and buy me something”. We grew up in a community of “respect your elders” so naturally, we would go on errands without complaining. Unfortunately, what happens to you when you get there, remeins there as this was the era when everyone was afraid of what people will say. We lacked the right knowledge and information to present our claims unlike we do today. As parents, our responsibility is to provide the right support for our children. these days, this support goes beyond finances. We literally have to find our “wrapper” again and strap these children to our backs. It even becomes worse when you hear cases of Fathers being the Abuser.I read the story of Natasha whose father used the opportunity of cuddling her to carry out his evil act. she claims he began when she was about four years old. I really still do not understand why this evil occurs, all I do know is that no one is allowed to hide under the wing of Psychiatric disorder, these men are just plain EVIL.The story is same all around the world, narrow it down to Nigeria and you will hear harrowing stories of little girls defiled by their fathers and loved ones whom were supposed to be their protection.The society has turned its back on us, we have to face the society by force-this is by speaking out. Gone are the days of silence.Are you reading this article and you know or suspect of someone going through abuse in your community ( school, church, mosque, home…..) , do not hesitate to contact us with details while we refer you to appropriate authorities. Remember, many have died keeping silent. Do not be the next victim. KEEP SAFE,WATCH OUT FOR YOUR NEIGHBORITS A COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY.